
Archive for October, 2011

Day 1

So today I am starting a new diet.  It’s the Dukan, but I am doing it a little differently since after the attack phase I really don’t think I can sustain the every other all protein days for a long period of time. We will see how big a difference it makes.  If you are interested in the diet just google it, it’s all over the web these days.

I need a kick-start, and something stricter than WW.  At this point being limited I think will keep me on track much better. We will see.

Debating doing year 2 of my Yoga Teacher Training since lately my teacher has been a bit rajastic. He is annoying me.  I have time to decide.

I haven’t heard from C since her birthday.  She never responded to my 2nd e-mail asking when she was free. Holidays are coming up fast and I am not sure whats in her head. I think if I don’t hear from her by Friday I will e-mail her again.  Thats all I can do. I am not going to beg.

For breakfast I had 2 hard boiled eggs and some lean ham.  :/


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10 Year Blogaversay

I missed my 10 year blogaversary by a few days.  Blogging is something I have wanted to be more regular at, a place to chronicle my days and life. Perhaps some memories too. But I have not been able to find the discipline or creativity to get there. I am not sure why. Maybe I am just afraid, maybe I don’t want to remember and don’t want to journal the reality of what my life is.

Don’t get me wrong, my life isn’t that bad. I have had my share of sadness and pain, but right now things are ok.  They could be better, but I can do that if I want to badly enough, make it better. Sometimes that’s scary too. Somedays I want to stay in bed, not sure why. Maybe dpression thanks to menopause, maybe laziness, maybe finding a purpose. A real purpose, not a collect a paycheck purpose. Making things meaningful in the now.

Now for the WW update. Not so good. Stilla t 4lbs and holding. I know what the problem is.  I need to exercise more.  I need to walk everyday.  The weather is finally cooling off, I will bring a change of clothes and my shoes into the office everyday and will start walking.

10 years goes by alot faster than you think it would, just ask me.



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So even though I knew when Steve Jobs resigned he was dying. Why else would he leave? It was a sucker punch to the gut when I heard he passed.  I thought he would have given himself more time with his family, maybe there would have been a miraculous recovery, maybe?

I was not an apple groupie until this past January. I always had my PC with good old DOS then windows. But I became more and more enamored with apple products. My first was the big iPod brick that I bought in 2007 with the Boze speakers to plug it into. That replaced my aging stereo that I had for years. How cool, I could by the one song I liked instead of the whole album! What a concept.

A couple years later, some friends gave my the iPod shuffle. Small with a clip so I could just clamp it onto my person when going for walks. I created my walking playlist just for that! Perfect! Then last year I bought C a Macbook for her birthday, and guess what we got free with the purchase? iTouch!  MINE! I downloaded angry birds and pocket frogs, and yes I started to love those APPS!

So this January for my birthday, after using a PC for almost 30 years. Yes that long, I switched to Mac. I bought myself a lovely 15″ Macbook Pro. Backlit keyboard, touching the pad is like caressing a lover, lovely. It is a work of art, and then about 2 months ago I traded in my Blackberry. My Blackberry my friend, or at least I thought it was, until I got my iPhone.  Ah, my iPhone. My constant companion.

Thank you Steve.

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